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B2B Ecommerce Tactics for Rapid Revenue Growth

Writer's picture: Ram Sekhar RepakaRam Sekhar Repaka


2020 marked a significant shift in #B2B purchasing habits across a wide range of industries. Workers stayed at home to slow the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic and relied on digital solutions to replace in-person interactions when making B2B purchases. Many of these new digital habits are unlikely to change.

#B2BeCommerce companies are as diverse as their #B2C counterparts, selling everything from bulk nuts and bolts to complex machinery worth hundreds of thousands of dollars. While some B2C marketing strategies apply, the #B2B sphere has its own set of constraints and opportunities.

B2B Ecommerce Tactics for Rapid Revenue Growth

👉 Understand that B2B and B2C eCommerce are the same

The first step toward increasing revenue is to stop thinking of B2B customers as vastly different from B2C customers. Business buyers, like consumers, expect interactions with companies to be simple. It's time to debunk the myth that your customers don't care if you have a nice website or if they want a modern eCommerce experience.

👉 Redesign Your Website

When was the last time your eCommerce website was updated? If you are only making minor changes to your pages and layout, it may be time to redesign them in order to attract new customers.

The main issue is that buyer websites do not impress them. Their eCommerce pages are out of date or do not provide the functionality they require. The main issue is that buyer websites do not impress them. Their eCommerce pages are out of date or do not provide the functionality they require. Almost half (46%) said it was difficult to accurately compare products. They were also dissatisfied with slow response times (40%) and pricing issues (19%). A bad website stifles brand growth and can turn off customers for months or years after they leave your site.

👉 Identify the Buying Patterns of Your Top Personas

Create a customer journey for your top personas to learn how customers are likely to interact with your products or services.

A few questions to ask include:

  • What is the average buying cycle?

  • When does the fiscal year begin for my customers – and when do they begin their budget planning?

  • How long does it take to decide on our products over other brands?

  • How long does it take to ship and receive our products?

  • When will our customers decide whether or not they are happy with our products?

The answers to these questions may vary depending on the industries you market to and the products you sell. If this is the case, then you will have multiple persona profiles developed to ensure your eCommerce messages align with the shopping habits of your B2B consumers.

👉 Invest in Search Engine Optimization

Google reports that 71% of B2B researchers begin with generic search terms. Decision-makers are more likely to search for the items they require rather than specific brands that provide them at the start of the customer journey.

This implies that your #SEO game must be strong. Begin by optimizing your product pages to answer questions your customers may have during the purchasing process. Product comparisons and various features are among them. Then, expand your content strategy to address these issues more thoroughly. As your SEO efforts expand, more people will find your brand when searching for generic terms, which means they will remember it when it comes time to make a purchase.

👉 Enable Customer Self-Service

Customers want to talk to your salespeople, but do your customers want to talk to your salespeople? When asked what the most important ways B2B companies can make it easier to do business with them online, 41% said self-service functionality. Customers still want to speak with you, but they want to do their homework first.

👉 Invest in Social Interactions

B2B eCommerce brands benefit from social media in two ways: engagement and learning. Brands can expand their footprint and connect with customers more casually by communicating more on social platforms.

Connect social media and eCommerce promotions for a seamless experience, and consider running prospecting ads on Facebook and LinkedIn to get your prospects into marketing funnels, which again can be constructed to highlight certain product categories that offer value to the prospect/visitor.


Begin by implementing a few of these big-picture strategies and watch how your eCommerce business evolves. You should be able to generate more qualified leads and convert more website visitors.


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