There are more decision-makers, sales cycles are longer, and many items are high-ticket, so you can't simply copy the pricing strategies used in the #B2C world.
To get your #B2B #eCommerce strategy right, you must avoid the following common mistakes:
Inconsistency in pricing across channels
Uncontrolled discounting
Customers are not segmented.
Constantly striving to be the lowest
Not monitoring and adjusting to market conditions
The price disparity between brands
demonstrating a lack of transparency
Pricing based on opportunity
Choose an #eCommerce platform that makes it simple to implement various pricing strategies.
Given the pitfalls of poor pricing strategy and the importance of pricing to #eCommerce success, choosing the right platform for your #B2B business is critical. Bundled pricing, personalized pricing, dynamic pricing, and other options are available to help you implement the pricing strategy that is right for your brand.
Below pricing strategies can be used by #B2B #eCommerce businesses.

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#B2Bbusinesses/#B2BeCommerce experts - Do you agree with the above pricing strategies? If not, please share your experiences and how did you solve them.